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regenag chat

ReGenAg Live Chats

Nic and Liz are continuing to do their live chats with a range of farmers and advisers.


Recordings can be found on YouTube and an audio only podcast version at Buzzsprout (or search for ReGenAg on other podcast hosting services). 


Follow progress on Twitter @carboncallfarm

Regenag chat with...

Chat with Jaime Elizondo who is headlining this years Carbon Calling Conference

ReGen Ag Chat 27 - Getting our eye in before Carbon Calling


Chat with Stuart Johnson - who is on the Carbon Calling line up

ReGen Ag Chat 21: Setting our intentions for 2023 with Stuart Johnson


Chat with Andrew and Sally Hatton who will be talking all things cheese at Carbon Calling

ReGen Ag Chat 26: "Bringing cheese making back to Nidderdale" with Andrew and Sally Hatton


Chat with Jaime Elizondo who is headlining this years Carbon Calling Conference

ReGen LIVE Chat 5 - International Man Of Mycorrhizae & Minerals


Chat with Ian Bell who is running one of our  Conference Cumbria workshops:

ReGen Ag Chat 16: Getting up and close to soil microbes with Ian Bell and Tanja Dekker


Chat with Anna De La Vega who is running a Conference Cumbria workshop:

ReGen Ag Chat 23: "Planning the New Worm Order" with Anna de la Vega


Chat with Michael Blanche who is on the line up for Conference Cumbria:

ReGenAg Chat 12: The re-match with Michael Blanche


Chat with Bruce Thompson who is on the Carbon Calling line up

Carbon Calling ReGen LIVE Chat: Beetlemania

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